My privacy policy.

How do I collect information from you?

I obtain information about you when you use this website, for example, when you contact me by phone or email to make an enquiry about my services. Should you wish to book a free consultation, I will ask you when I meet you, to read and sign a contract as well as fill in a form which will require you to give me information about yourself.

What type of information is collected from you?

The personal information I collect from you will include any information that you provide by filling in forms which I give you when we first meet. It will also include information about you if you call me or email me with an enquiry.

Information such as:

* Name

* Address

* Contact number

* Email address

* House alarm code (should you have one and not be in for the service I provide.)

How is your information used?

I will use your information to:

* Provide and carry out my services

* Contact you if in an emergency

* Ask for your views or comments on the services I provide

* To invoice and send you receipts for your records

* Notify you of any changes to my services

* Send you communication about my services

* For the well-being of your dog in an emergency

Who has access to your information?

I will not sell or rent your information to any third parties.

I will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.

The only time your information will be shared is with your vet for the well being of your dog, or for lawful purposes.

Your choices

You have a choice about whether or not you wish to receive information from me. I will not contact you for marketing purposes by, phone or text message unless you have given me your prior consent. I will not contact you for marketing purposes by post unless you have given me your prior consent. You can speak to me about any of this or change any of your preferences at any time.

I only keep your data on file for your future bookings, unless you request to terminate your contract, which you can at any time. Please see my terms and conditions for my Termination policy. In the event you request a termination of your contract, I will only keep a record of any relevant book keeping records for up to 6 years as required by HMRC, such as your invoices and receipts. I will only share your data with a vet for the well being of your pet or for lawful purposes.

How you can access and update your information

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information I hold about you. Contact me by email to request:

Security precautions in place to protect the loss or misuse of your personal information

All sensitive information you provide me with, is kept securely on a password locked computer, that only I have access to. Any hard copy administration documents, are filed in a lockable filing cabinet, that only I have access to.

Non-sensitive information (your email address etc.) are transmitted normally over the Internet, and this can never be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while I strive to protect your personal information, I cannot guarantee the security of any information you transmit to me, and you do so at your own risk. All paper information, such as signed contract, vetinary release form and pet information form are all stored in a locked filing cabinet.

Links to other websites

My privacy policy applies only to Lydia Day’s Dog Walking and Grooming Services website. I am not responsible for the privacy policies on other sites you may visit even if you access them using links from my website.

Review of this Policy

I keep this Policy under regular review. This Policy was last updated in August 2021.